Pinching is Hard Work

The time has come to start pinching back many of our plants. I know the technique. I have read many blog posts from trusted experts on how to do it and watched several videos. The process is not hard, but there is something about taking clippers to the tallest stem on plants you have grown literally from the ground up that makes you hesitate and second guess the practice. Thousands of gardeners and growers have done this. They can’t be wrong, but geesh, it was tough taking that step.

Photo of zinnias with clippers as the zinnias are being pinched.

Pinching the second succession zinnias.

I pinched all the dahlias, the first and second succession of zinnias and basil, and the first planting of celosia. The only flowers with buds were the zinnias. Several were still closed tight, some were partially opened and only a few were mostly open, but I gathered them all up and put them in a vase with water anyway. I don’t expect much but after already feeling guilty over cutting them, the least I could do was try to give the buds a chance to open. 😊 Hopefully this step will get easier in time, and I won’t continue to feel like I’m chopping the heads off of cherished friends!

Photos of succession planting of basil being pinched.

Pinching the second succession of basil.


Wildflower Explosion


That’s a Wrap!