Almost 60 days since my husband spread the wildflower meadow seeds on the east side of our flower garden, we have an explosion of wildflowers and the buds just keep coming. It is spectacular, and I love it so much! The deer resistant seed mix is not nearly as tall as the other. So far, Sweet Alyssum and California poppies are the tallest flowering plants in the space with a random zinnia popping up here and there. I will also say that only 2/3rds of the area we planted has germinated. I have no way of knowing if it was the seed that was the issue or the area just became too overcome with weeds, or if it was something we did or did not do, but the germination rate isn’t nearly as high as the northeast pollinator mix. Even so, it is still beautiful.

Photo of American Meadows Deer Resistant Wildflower Mix at 60 days after planting.

American Meadows Deer Resistant Wildflower Mix at 60 days after planting.

On the west side of the garden area, we planted the northeast pollinator wildflower mix. This side is about 3’ to 4’ tall and is currently blooming with coreopsis, poppies, and bachelor buttons. It is much fuller and taller than the deer resistant side. I have one very small section that did not germinate and just like on the east side, I’m unsure if that is something we did or the weeds, but everything is so tall you can barely see that small bare section. Well bare, except for the weeds! Even in spite of that it is overwhelming to see all the flowers in my garden and I’m not the only one in love with the this showy display of color. The bees are showing up in full force and I have seen a monarch and swallowtail check it out. I hope they are going to tell their friends! Providing this habitat for these welcome guests is the driving force and inspiration for these sections of the garden.

Photo of American Meadows Northeast Pollinator Wildflower Mix at 60 days after planting.

American Meadows Northeast Pollinator Wildflower Mix at 60 days after planting.


Weeding Is Like Laundry


Pinching is Hard Work