We Have Babies!

One of our goals in starting this garden was to create habitat for our pollinators. We specifically planted the meadow spaces for this purpose. Outside of the flower garden, we have bird feeders and offer seed and suet year-round. We have a small bird bath, and at the corner of each of the meadows, I added a bird house. Because of everything going on, I ended up putting the house up late into the nesting season (mid-June), so my expectations were low that they would be used this year. To my amazement, within days we had two blue bird couples fighting over the boxes. After the initial fuss, one couple won out and started nest building.

Photo of bluebird house at the corner of our west meadow.

Photo of bluebird house at the corner of our west meadow.

By June 25th, we had four beautiful blue eggs. Unfortunately, by July 1, one of the eggs disappeared and we were left with 3. This happens for lots of reasons even though I do everything I can to ensure a successful nest for these mamas and dadas. Now, here we are on July 18th, and we have 3 perfect bluebird babies that are growing and doing really well. They still have a bit of feathering to do, but fingers crossed that these guys will fledge in the next week or so! Welcome to the world bluies!




Weeding Is Like Laundry