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The Results Are In!

There is not much to do in our planting field these days. Since we flagged off the area we want to plant in, there is really nothing to do until we start tilling the soil. We have targeted that for the beginning of April. I did start taking soil temperatures though. I know we are not even close to the ground being warm enough for us to direct sow anything, but I am just curious what the temperature is and when it will start to creep up to a good planting temp.

While we wait for tilling time, we have been working on a few other things to prepare for planting. We did get our soil test results back. We learned that our soil is slightly acidic with a pH of 5.2. The agronomist we are working with has suggesting treating the planting beds with a high calcium lime. She also suggested using an organic fertilizer when we plant then a liquid fertility program throughout the growing season. It all feels overwhelming at the moment. I know if we just create a task list and put key activities on a calendar it will help us to focus on what needs to be done at each step then I will not feel like I have to remember it all. I am definitely a list person! There is something about a list and checking things off as completed that creates a calming order to what needs to be done.

pH Scale - our soil test result was 5.2

Speaking of checking things off the list, we found a place that can provide us with certified organic compost. We are fortunate to have a supplier fairly close by that will deliver and the cost of the compost is reasonable. Because it is certified organic, I am hoping we will not have any issues with quality. I know some gardeners and farmers have been burnt with poor quality compost, so we are trying to be careful with the type of compost and supplier we choose.

The final accomplishment this week, we have had all our seeds that we want to direct sow for a few weeks now and today we added dahlia tubers. I am so excited about the idea of having these blooms in our yard. They feel so indulgent. At the same time, I have anxiety about growing them. I have never grown anything like this, and I want them to grow to be as amazing as I know they can be. What if I can’t do this? What if I don’t do the right things? I will be so disappointed, but I cannot let those thoughts get in the way. I will do the best I can and whatever happens will be an opportunity to learn and hopefully, I will have armfuls of blooms to enjoy and share!