The Firsts

No, it isn’t the first of the month or first of the year, but it is the first time I am planning my first flower garden. The excitement that flutters in my stomach while just typing that sentence is electrifying. After many daydreams, thoughts, ideas never executed, negative self-talk, naysayers, and doubt, I’ve cast all that aside and have committed to planting flowers this spring.  I have dreamed so many times about looking across a flower filled landscape. That thought always makes me smile. Always.

Many things have come together to create the opportunity for me to do this. First is the property that my husband and I have been fortunate to recently buy in Nottingham, PA (Zone 6b). We have 6 acres and big plans! For the most part, the acres are cut grass fields, a blank slate to create whatever we want.

This first spring, my goal is simple, just grow something! I’m trying to be realistic. I am not planting anything that I can’t direct sow, whether that is from seeds, plugs or tubers. I’m trying to keep it manageable, but there are so many possibilities that it is hard to narrow the list down to a select few easy varieties.

The current plan is to have two 25 X 15 meadow patches with seeds I bought from American Meadows. I have the Northeast Pollinator Wildflower Seed Mix and the Deer Resistant Wildflower Seed Mix. We do have deer in the area and I’m afraid they will believe the flowers were planted for their tasting pleasure. We’ll see if that assumption is true. I’m also planning a couple of 25’ rows that will be 36” wide. The exact number of rows and what will be in each is still being determined. I want to grow enough to make it fun and allow for creativity, but small enough that I’m not overwhelmed.

I know I’m going to make my share of mistakes, but that is part of the process, right? Figuring out what works for our property in our location with our conditions and learning! It feels like a puzzle and if anyone wants to share their first-year tips or lessons learned, I would love to hear your experiences!


Cut Flower Garden from Scratch