Spring Surprise!

Often when someone talks about surprises they find at their new home, it means they’ve uncovered something bad. Well, we have had our share of those, but we also found a wonderfully fun surprise push up through the chilly ground earlier this month. Daffodils! Dozens of them! I first noticed them at the base of a bush at the entrance to the walkway to our front door, but then we noticed them in two other places as well. A beautiful ring of yellow, white and orange encircle the bottom of an evergreen then several others were found growing under our cedar trees. This is one of my favorite things about moving to a new home. I love finding these treasures in the landscape as we experience each new season.

Half ring of daffodils under an evergreen

Daffodils were planted in a full circle around this evergreen by the previous owners of our home.

In the last few weeks, we also had the nasty thorn and poison ivy entangled brush and several of our most dead and dangerous trees removed. The property looks so much better and although there is still work to do, the company we hired to remove the brush gave us a huge head start and tackled a monumental job that we could never have done ourselves. Fully reclaiming those sections of our yard will literally take years, but it is fun to dream about what we will plant in those areas and the ways we can create beauty and habitat. I fantasize of perennial shrubs that will produce exquisite blooms and enchanting fragrances, but the options are endless. How would you line your property?

Brush being cleared

Team clearing decades of overgrown vines, thorn bushes, and poison ivy.


Our First Mistake


Breaking Ground