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Persian Cress: A Bit of Charm in Bouquets

Last season we planted 3 successions of Persian Cress. Learn more about how we planted our cress here: Persian Cress and Mrs. Burns Lemon Basil — Bloomindipity The first two successions did well. I had decent germination, the plants added a fun sparkle to bouquets, and although they started slow, they did well overall. The third succession was non-existent. The germination was really low and those that did germinate did not do well. I’m not sure why. Other than the succession being planted later in the growing season, everything else remained the same.

I did not know that much about cress before planting it, but it had these cool small seed pods that flowered small delicate white flowers. It was a very cool addition and added a light and airy twinkle when combined with the other flowers. We will definitely have cress in our garden again in 2023. I completely understand now why experts recommend this as a filler.

Flowering Persian Cress, August 2022

I would really like to try the other versions of cress. I like the Persian variety but I also like the look of some of the others. However, I still have some Persian Cress seeds from last year, so like some of our other plantings in the cut flower garden this season, we will use up those seeds first. It is unlikely we will have multiple successions of plants so hopefully; we will have good germination and our bouquets can have their flower twinkle lights like last year.

Flowering Persian Crest, August 2022