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Lisianthus: Small but Mighty

Lisianthus is such a beautiful bloom and a perfect choice for cut flowers because of its delicate ruffled appearance and long vase life. After a bumpy start with my plugs, you can read about that here Lisianthus Update — Bloomindipity. I was so curious how the rest of the season would go. Although my plants did not get very tall, perhaps 12 – 18” at most, they flowered continuously late into the fall. As a matter of fact, I made a lisianthus only flower arrangement at the end of the season because I still had so many blooms and there wasn’t much else left! Growing from plugs was a huge success for my purposes. If I was doing this professionally, I’m not sure the stem length would have been sufficient, but for what I needed, perfection!

Lisianthus blooms in August. They are not tall but they are beautifully abundant!

Although I would consider our lisianthus plants successful in the 2022 growing season, I am not doing them in 2023. We are still not in a position to start seeds indoors and I did not want to incur the expense of the plugs this year. I may regret that decision because they did flower so profusely for so long, although they were not our top flowering plants, more about that next, we will not be including them this year.

Lisianthus and basil bouquet