And They’re Off

A little later than expected, but we planted our first seeds! We. Planted. Our. First. Seeds. What has felt like a dream that would never actually happen, is now in the hands of mother nature. After tilling, adding amendments and compost, and re-weeding, we scattered our American Meadows wildflower seeds. We have two spaces for wildflowers . The one on the east side of the garden has Northeast Pollinator mix. The west side has Deer Resistant mix. We mixed the seeds with sand and sprinkled them across the 25’ x 15’ spaces. I then flattened a cardboard box, laid it on the freshly strewn seeds, and walked on the cardboard. You are not supposed to cover the seeds. They just need good contact with the soil, so after compressing the entire area with the flattened box, we watered them, and now, in 7 to 21 days, we will start to see germination. I swear I could sit out there and just watch the dirt until I see some sign of growth. Well, growth other than weeds. Of course, the weeds are still coming fast and furious, but I should be able to keep up with them this time, or at least that is the goal.

photo of freshly spread wildflower seeds

West side wildflower garden

I mentioned in a previous post that we got the weed barrier laid on the vertical walkways then as a huge help, my husband and son took care of laying the fabric on the horizontal rows and to help keep everything in place, added wood chips on top of the fabric on all the walkways. It looks great and is going to work perfectly at keeping clean aisles for taking care of our flowers. Except one of the walkways is actually in the wrong place. We planned for a path between each grow space.

photo of garden map with a path between each grow space


However, we now have two grow spaces together then a walkway. It still makes me smile when I look at it. Crap happens and because we actually tilled wider than what we are planting, this is easily fixed.

photo of the garden plan of two planting rows together

what actually happened

I know I do not want a 6’ planting row so we will now have a grow space, an extra wide aisle with weed fabric (6’ instead of 3’) then a grow space. I’m considering it an experiment to see if we like a wider walkway!

photo of garden plan with one 6 foot path between two of the planting rows

how we adjusted


Planting Lisianthus Plugs


Mistakes number 2, 3…